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Lady cries out as she finds out her husband has been sleeping with her mother for 22 years, even welcomed twins with him

A lady has taken to social media to detail the harrowing discovery of her husband’s 22-year-long affair with her own mother.

The gut-wrenching saga was shared by the heartbroken woman, who chose to remain anonymous,

According to the woman’s heartbreaking account, her relationship with her now-estranged husband began when she was just 15 years old.

Tragically, her tumultuous journey was further marred by the untimely demise of her father when she was still a teenager.

The woman, who is now 40 years old, narrated how she discovered the shocking truth on New Year’s Eve, returning early from a trip only to find her mother engaging in a sexual encounter with her husband in their own bedroom.

The traumatic scene reportedly unfolded before her eyes. Compounding the agony, the woman’s 22-year-old daughter inadvertently stumbled upon the affair, witnessing her grandmother fleeing the scene in a state of undress.

According to the woman, she confronted her husband and mother, demanding the truth.

The confession that followed revealed that the affair had persisted for over two decades, resulting in the birth of twins.

In the heartbroken woman’s words;

“My (40 F) parents, dad (63 M) and mom (60 F), have been married for 43 years. I have six siblings 42 F, 38 F, 34 F, 20 M, 20 M, 18 M. I have been with my husband (39 M), since we were 15. I got pregnant at 17 and we moved in with my parents. I gave birth to my now 22 year old daughter. We got married at 18 shortly after. My dad’s father passed shortly after our wedding and left his ranch style house to my father. My grandparents built a house next door to my parents when they retired. My parents decided to let us live in this house & told us this would be my inheritance. My husband and I had no issues with this. We went on to have a 20 M, 14 F, 5 F, and I’m currently 7 months pregnant with my last child, a boy, due in April.

I thought I had a good marriage, we were intimate more than twice a week, we went on date nights, we bought each other gifts, we didn’t fight. My entire world was shattered on New Years Eve when I returned early from a girl’s trip I had taken with some friends. I walked into my bedroom to find my mom having sex with my husband. My mother screamed at me to get out of “their” bedroom which really shook me up even more.

Unfortunately, my oldest daughter, was also home in her bedroom across the house getting ready for a party. She ran out and witnessed my all but a bed sheet naked mother run out of our house next door to her house and slam the door. My daughter was devastated and went to my sister’s house. I asked her not to say anything until I first talked to my husband. I asked him for the truth. He told me that my mom seduced him when we were 18 and living in their house. They’d been having unprotected sex at least once a month for longer than we were married. I ran the math and was horrified, because the timeline meant my twin brothers and youngest brother could be my husband’s.

I immediately called my dad and told him to come to my house without my mom. I made my husband confess and my dad was devastated, he and my mom were high school sweethearts too. Needless to say, we could hear my mother screaming from her house when he confronted her.

I then told my older sister and she and I decided to have her throw a party for the whole extended family and we invited my ex’s family as well. At the party, I had my 22 F daughter take all the kids to our basement and put on a movie, leaving only the adult children and siblings and I told them exactly what they’d been doing.

Most of the family is on my side, except my 3 youngest siblings, 38 F sister, Ex’s entire family. They all say I’m an AH for dropping this publicly. Word got out and my mom’s best friend, who is on leadership at my mom’s church (my childhood church)called me to verify. My mom has since been let go as the children’s pastor there and she claims I’ve essentially ruined her reputation and life. My dad kicked her out and she’s now living with my 38 F sister, and lastly, my dad insisted on a dna test for the three youngest boys before he’d consider anything to do with their marriage. The twins are my husband’s bio children. I’ve since kicked him out and he’s living with his parents.

My father and I are discussing me moving into his much larger house and him selling my grandfather’s house and him giving me the money to buy a new house somewhere else to get rid of the memories. My husband is appalled and furious that I proved he actually is about to have seven kids, instead of five, that I’m going to be taking half his business away from him. My husband started his own HVAC company a few years back and for the first five years, I helped him get it set up, ran the office completely, and took time away from my teaching career to help him get this established. In my state, all marital assets, including businesses are split 50/50. Since the house was still in my father’s name, my husband will get no money from the sale, neither will my mother, since inherited assets are not subject to be split in divorces. My mother is also likely to not get any alimony, as our state is not a no fault divorce state.

I’m now over a month removed, still extremely bitter and angry at my mother, especially at her hypocrisy of calling me a whore and shaming my family, when she’s done much worse. I also despise my ex with everything within me now, as he was fucking both my mom and me in some instances coming to our bed minutes later. He got my mother pregnant less than a week after getting me pregnant and while I thought it was so cute and fun that I shared a pregnancy experience with my mom, she was carrying my children’s half siblings. He has broken all trust I had in men and being faithful. I have already procured a good lawyer from the firm that helped us in financial matters for both me and my dad and my dad is helping pay for it.

My twin brothers, one of my sisters, and my entire ex’s family have gone no contact with me and my minor children and my children have essentially lost all of their grandparents but my dad, two uncles, and an aunt on my side, and my husband’s three brothers, due to this mess.

I’ve also developed ulcers and digestive issues because of this, so I’m visiting the doctor soon and I’ve been in therapy since the first week of January. I’ve offered this for my two adult children if they need family therapy with all of us, but they’re doing individual therapy right now.

My 14 year old knows that we’re getting divorced and why and she’s so angry at her dad that I struggle sending her to his house on the weekends. I feel like she’s old enough to make a decision on that, but I don’t want to damage her relationship with her dad. I’ve told all my kids it’s okay to love their dad, even if he hurt me, but the oldest two have cut him off 100%. I won’t tell my youngest two until they’re teens why we got divorced, and everyone else has agreed to not spill anything until they’re old enough to understand.

As for how I had no idea this affair was ongoing, my husband confirmed to me that they would have sex at my mom’s office at church, in their cars, at a motel, and when we built the business, they started having it routinely in his office, once I went back to teaching. They also had it in our houses too when my father would go away on business trips or I’d be out of town.

It was pure happenstance that I came home a day early from a trip, because I was uncomfortable from being nearly seven months pregnant and just wanted my own bed, for me to find out. Knowing they’d be carrying on this full blown affair still if I hadn’t caught them is what I’m still upset about. The fact that the grandmother and father of my children cared so little about destroying our families is what I can’t get past.

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What’s hardest for me is that my own mother would do this to me and would continue to do this for years and not caring when it all blew up in her face that she would be destroying her entire family.

Also, to add insult to injury my husband confirmed in one of our mediated conversations the affair started when I apparently made him angry. He didn’t tell me and instead vented to my mom when they were alone. She comforted him and they had sex. He loved it and then pursued her after that. He said he would’ve divorced me, but knew he’d get cut off from her and she was so much better at sex than me, so stuck it out with me. He told me I was a placeholder. Of all the betrayal and low blows, that statement is what keeps me up at night.

My mom fucked my husband for 22 years, got pregnant with twins, continued the affair until I caught them in bed together on New Year’s Eve while I was nearly 7 months pregnant. I publicly exposed it and my mom lost her job , her marriage, and is homeless.”



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